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Fu RZ, Anwar DR, Laban JT, Maratos EC, Minhas PS, Martin AJ. Pre-emptive intrathecal vancomycin therapy reduces external ventricular drain infection: a single centre retrospective case-control study. Br J Neurosurg. 31(1): 16-20 (2017).
Tulloch I, Laban JT, Martin AJ. A proposed link between spinal epidural lipomatosis, prostate cancer and androgen deprivation therapy. J Clin Urol. 11(4), 299-301 (2017).
Greenway F, Tulloch I, Laban JT. Consent for post-operative visual loss in prone spinal surgery: aligning clinical practice with legal standards. Br J Neurosurg. 18, 1-6 (2018).