Your Appointment

Dr Laban offers face-to-face and online phone / video (telehealth) consultations.

You can make an appointment with Dr Laban by telephone, email or by completing our enquiry form.

We will confirm the details of your appointment with you by letter and will send you the new patient information form which should be completed prior to your consultation. A reminder of your upcoming appointment will be sent to you up to 3 days prior to your appointment and we ask you to confirm you will attend the appointment. If you need to reschedule your appointment we would ask that you give us as much notice as possible and would appreciate at least 24 hours’ notice so that another patient may be seen. If you are a new patient we would suggest that you arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to allow time to locate our clinic and to complete registration paperwork.

Please bring the following information to your appointment:

  • a current referral letter from your GP or other specialist
  • a hard copy of all relevant scans: X-ray, MRI, CT scans together with the report
  • copies of the results of relevant pathology or other investigations
  • a list of your medications and any allergies
  • any other material or information related to your issue
  • your private hospital insurance information
  • a completed patient information and consent form.

Workers compensation cases require pre approval. Please bring details of your insurance, current claim number and case manager’s contact details to your appointment.

Payment is requested at the time of consultation. Payment is accepted by EFTPOS, debit and major credit cards and cash.